EJP’s Reentry Resource Program publishes three reentry guides, Mapping Your Future: A Guide to Successful Reentry in Illinois, Mapping Your Future: National Edition, and A New Path: A Guide to the Challenges and Opportunities After Deportation.

We also manage an Illinois reentry resource website, reentryillinois.net, with a searchable directory of reentry services across the state. We produce reentry videos and other resources.

Mapping Your Future: A Guide to Successful Reentry in Illinois

Our 2025 Illinois reentry guide has a wealth of information on preparing for reentry while incarcerated, steps to take following release, and directories of resources. Topics include housing, employment, healthcare, finances, substance use and more. Download our guide here.

Mapping Your Future: National Edition

Are you returning home to a different state? We’ve taken our Illinois reentry guide and made it a national resource! You’ll find helpful advice about housing, employment, healthcare, substance use and more, with resources for formerly incarcerated individuals throughout the US.
“Mapping Your Future is everything you need to know about reentry including things that you did not think about.”

—Shayla Jackson, Social Worker, Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

A New Path: A Guide to the Challenges & Opportunities After Deportation ​

This guide is for people who live with the threat of deportation to Mexico or Central America. Know your rights, learn where to get legal help, and make a plan in case of possible deportation. Download our guide here.
We oppose the detention and deportation of anyone. This guide includes information on know your rights, legal aid and advocacy organizations so that an individual can oppose their removal from the US. The publication of this book should not be seen as an endorsement of deportation. The fact is that every year thousands of people are deported. We created this resource so that those individuals who face deportation can have the information and resources they need for a successful transition.
To access and/or download individual chapters, please select the button below.

Illinois Reentry Website

EJP connects people impacted by incarceration with the resources they need for a healthy transition to life after prison. We provide tools for self empowerment, including resources related to housing, employment, education and advocacy.

Reentry Guide FAQ

You can request guides via mail, phone, email, or online form. We will mail one to you free of cost. Contact us at:

Reentry Resource Program
1001 S. Wright St
Champaign, IL 61820


Online form

Each guide costs roughly $11 to print and ship. We are able to supply a limited number of guides for free. However, if your organization is able to contribute towards our printing and mailing costs, please let us know. Invoicing you will allow us to reach even more incarcerated individuals.

Yes. You can download PDFs via the buttons above. Feel free to print copies as well. You can access all our guides as well as a searchable reentry directory at reentryillinois.net

Yes. If you are interested in a large number of guides, we will likely ask about your plans for using them and ask for your help with the cost. We are always looking to learn more about what other organizations are doing, and we want to know how our guides can best support your efforts.

We want the guide to be as helpful as possible. If you have suggestions for us, we would love to hear them. You can send feedback to our office address or email us at reentry@educationjustice.net.

We update Mapping Your Future Illinois annually and we update Mapping Your Future National and A New Path every two years.

We welcome applications year-round from individuals interested in working with our Reentry Resource Program (RGI) on a volunteer basis. RGI also has an Advisory Committee of formerly incarcerated individuals who receive modest stipends. You can learn more about the application process here, or contact RGI directly at: reentry@educationjustice.net. We also greatly appreciate your feedback. We welcome your suggestions.
We welcome applications year-round from individuals interested in working with our Reentry Resource Program (RGI) on a volunteer basis. RGI also has an Advisory Committee of formerly incarcerated individuals who receive modest stipends. You can learn more about us and apply here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/222195979884073

Fill out this form here. We will do our best to include you both in our website and print directories where we are restricted by space.