Overcoming Nervousness -Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Register via link below! All EJP members are welcome to this one hour workshop with coach Marianna Swallow on public speaking basics.https://educationjustice.jotform.com/242895227362867
Register via link below! All EJP members are welcome to this one hour workshop with coach Marianna Swallow on public speaking basics.https://educationjustice.jotform.com/242895227362867
This is a hybrid event, here is the office address - room number 216, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign
All welcome to learn about applying to EJP for the 2025-6 academic year.
Includes a presentation from the John Howard Association on how to advocate for your loved one in IDOC custody. All are welcome. Light supper provided.
Sign-up form coming!
Room number 216, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign
https://illinois.zoom.us/j/89291441422?pwd=L0ZRUkNIRUxWZlFHbngxUjc0elRHQT09 Meeting ID: 892 9144 1422Password: 248767
RSVP at the link below:
Sign-up form coming!
RSVP here: https://educationjustice.jotform.com/243114502188854
RSVP: https://educationjustice.jotform.com/242352860189158
room number 216, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign
All are welcome. Light supper provided.
https://illinois.zoom.us/j/89291441422?pwd=L0ZRUkNIRUxWZlFHbngxUjc0elRHQT09 Meeting ID: 892 9144 1422Password: 248767
https://illinois.zoom.us/j/89291441422?pwd=L0ZRUkNIRUxWZlFHbngxUjc0elRHQT09 Meeting ID: 892 9144 1422Password: 248767
room number 216, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign
RSVP: https://educationjustice.jotform.com/242352860189158
All are welcome. Light supper provided.