How EJP’s Prison-to-Gown Program Will Work

This year, EJP’s Prison-to-Gown initiative has begun its research and exploration phases to provide support for people making the transition from incarceration to academic study on college campuses. The initiative…

EJP Alumnus Spankey Davis

Spankey Davis is the Senior Alumni Advocate for ConTextos, a Chicago non-profit that uses education and personal narrative to promote healing, reflection, and social change. In describing ConTextos, the non-profit…

EJP Office Staff Fidelis Anyanegbu

Fidelis Anyanegbu is a lawyer from Nigeria pursuing an LLM at the University of Illinois. During his year in the United States, he is working as a member of the…

EJP Instructor Kevin McSweeney

Kevin McSweeney is the arboretum director at the University of Illinois and also teaches soil science classes on campus. He is going to be teaching with EJP in Spring  2024. …

EJP alumnus spotlight: Michael Harrell

Michael Harrell knows the exact number of days he was incarcerated: 20 years, 5 months, 4 weeks, and 3 days. Six months after his release, Michael is now a Reentry…

EJP through the lens of prison abolition

As an organization committed not only to mitigating the negative impacts of incarceration but also to supporting  more just and humane responses to harm and violence, many members of EJP…